United States vs. Antelope, Decision of the 9th Circuit Court
Clinical Polygraph and the Antelope Decision, by Niki Delson, LCSW, Education Committee Co-Chair
CCOSO Addresses Questions About Incest re SB33, by Jay Adams, Ph.D., Niki Delson, LCSW, Nancy Irwin, Psy.D., & Ron Kokish, LMFT, with Editorial Assistance by Kenneth Prescott, LCSW
NPR Show: "The Science of Sexual Abuse": Talk of the Nation, May 13, 2005 . The news seems to be filled with disturbing stories of sexual abuse. Is sexual abuse a mental illness, a criminal behavior, or both? And does treatment for the perpetrators work? State Sex Offender Laws Come Home to Humbolt County: Humbolt County Newspaper picks up CCOSO’s opposition to Jessica’s Law.
Beyond Raging Hormones: The Tinderbox in the Teenage Brain: Understanding different timetables in teenage brain development.
Neurobehavioral Changes in Adolescence: Age specific brain transformations in adolescence.
Rethinking the Juvenile in Juvenile Justice: Published by the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families.
Jessica’s Law Initiative is Misguided Public Policy: by Niki Delson. Published in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, May 1, 2006.
Teen Sex: A series of articles published in the Washington Post.
Slide shows from the Coalition of Juvenile Justice Conference – Washington DC May 5, 2006